Farcry 3

Farcry 3 Is the definitive Open World First Person Shooter. For Those That Remember Mercenaries 2, well this feels the same but just a different story line.

About That Story Line, It really is a bit gruesome and as an animal lover, it felt a little too sickly in places. We have even made the you tube videos age restricted ie 18+ as it is just a bit much sometimes.

There is lots of shooting, blowing stuff up and just hours of mindless violence but considering you are up against the deepest and darkest parts of Someone's nightmares, the violence is fairly standard for this sort of game.

In short it started great but after about 8-10 hours, it got just a bit boring and samey.

Above is the YouTube Playlist Of the Level Walkthroughs as played on the Playstation 3.