
Move Emails In Bulk To Zip Drive with Attachments

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So Whenever you are migrated to a new Outlook System say Office to Office 365, there are headaches and you lose access to attachments and old emails etc or you are using an old system and have to continually delete the least important of important emails. Maybe you are changing job but want to back up your old correspondences or maybe you want to be cyber secure and remove your emails from online to a secure Encrypted Memory stick that will be locked away in Fort Knox. Any which way this video will show you how.

The norm is to just drag and drop the emails into a folder, if your system allows, but this leaves ambiguous filenames and no ability to see which email is first or even able to search for contained data. Watch the video to see how you can save space (which will reduce cloud costs if you still keep it online), or backup years of emails to an offline searchable document with access to the attachments at your convenience.