SPECTRA GNSS Surveying Equipment

Spectra is one of the leading manufacturers of GNSS equipment so naturaly I had to get my hands on some of it to see if it is as good as they say and sure enough, I was more than impressed.

For a newby into the Geolocation Surveying world, I was expecting good Latitude and Longitude Results to within a metre or so but on test, the reported position with their RTK correction was down to 8mm and height accuracy was rarely less than 25mm and in the main part hovered in the 10-20mm which in perspective is less than a thumbnail across and height of the thumb. This is truly exciting times in the Geolocation world whether your requirement is for industrial (BIM / PAS256 / Accident Investigation / Automation) or game making (Augmented Reality).

With accuracy this good the opportunities are endless in a tech world. For instance the following will be available:-

  • Make the unique primary asset identification move from being a random number to the actual geolocation of the asset.
  • Free Roaming Automoton Robotswill be able to perform current human only operations in complex environments when integrated with SCADA controls and standard GNSS Receivers with Inertial reference systems and compasses as you will find in most Handheld Phones. I am sure SPECTRA make a specific device that could be adapted.
  • Accurately position Site Control Points that can automate placement of Laserscans.
  • Accurately GeoLocate Assets / Locations
  • Create accurate hazard control spots for driverless/driver assisted cars i.e. speed change zones which prevent you from exceeding the speed limit in these areas. This will negate the need for speed cameras and Traffic police manpower regarding speed traps making SAFETY a priority. This could be simply done by reducing insurance premiums on the vehicles fitted with a speed limiting device linked to an onboard road speed database that is updated every day. Imagine if this was connected to a SMART road network. I think this is a topic to delve into in more detail as the benefits including lives that could be saved and the CO2 that would be cut are vast. Get in touch if its something you want me to talk about more.

Without further delay I will get on with the reviews but if you want to contact a SPECTRA main dealer in the UK for further information or trial equipment yourself then please use the form below. ALL INFORMATION ENTERED WILL BE EMAILED DIRECT TO THE CURRENT FIELD CONTACT AT SEP ENGINEERING PRODUCTS UK who have been kind enough to let me try some of their products.