Networking Technology

Networking Technology is the basis of computer communications today.

You have to appreciate that even a collection of silicon chips amounts to a computer these days but Networking technology is accepted as external communication of defined computer or electronic components.

This used to be performed in the main by network cables, switches, patch panels and servers but today nearly all is replaced by WiFi or wireless data transfer like 2G,3G,4G,5G. Other forms are UHF and VHF communications for instance your television albeit a one way link ( allegedly ahem)

One little side track on this, Satellite navigation, all recent EU cars are Galileo compliant. You might be interested in it being a 2 way conversation with your car, and of course we believe it is for an emergency rescue system and no future plans………..

Scepticism aside there have been real advances made in wireless communication but I am not convinced that there is enough known about the side effects of EM radiation, hold on let me answer my mobile. We are dependent on it for normal life now but if we can be honest about its effects then we can develop and make better technologies. One of the things I love about aviation culture is the acceptance of technology failure and the desire to put right ASAP.